
Microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4
Microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4

  1. Microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4 full#
  2. Microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4 tv#

Also, it arguably provides the best visibility to both the gunner and pilot, as both of them enjoy a near-unobstructed view from the cockpit. Its size also gives it an advantage, as it is much slimmer than the Mi-28, making it a smaller target to the enemy, but it is still not as compact as the WZ-10. With a good pilot and a good gunner, the AH-1Z Viper is extremely devastating to enemy ground vehicles and infantry, and can effectively blunt an armored spearhead.Ĭompared to its counterparts, it is more oriented toward a general-purpose role, similar to the WZ-10, the AH-64 Apache, and the Mi-35 Hind, while the Mi-28 and the AS-665 Tiger is more inclined towards the anti-armor role. If necessary, the player may dogfight other attack helicopters, because they are similar in mobility and speed. Also, the vehicle does not have any weapon to effectively counter fixed-wing aircraft once they are airborne, and combine with the speed disadvantage, the player should avoid confrontation with them at all cost.Īll in all, the vehicle should be used for its intended purpose: provide CAS for friendly ground forces, suppress enemy armor on the battlefield, clearing out control points, and even as an observation platform to report enemy positions to the player's team. The player also needs to bear in mind that the M95 can pierce through the glass of its cockpit, injuring or potentially killing the gunner/pilot.

microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4

Microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4 tv#

However, this also makes it more vulnerable to enemy fire, it is not recommended to stay too low in one spot for long, as the player will be an easy target for enemy tank shells, SACLOS missiles, or even TV missiles, all of which deal heavy damage, and anti-aircraft cannon and missile fire, all of which are devastating to the helicopter. This allows the player to capture flags, or turning the helicopter into an accurate weapon platform to provide fire support. The vehicle, being a helicopter, can move forward, backward, strafe sideways, and hover in place, with the latter probably is its most useful ability. Also, new players may not be familiar with the weapon and may reduce its usefulness. However, the player can only fire 1 missile before having to wait 8 seconds for the missile to reload, and they are given only 8 missiles to start off with, meaning the player needs to use the weapon wisely to avoid wasting precious missiles and time. And since it is manually guided, the player can use it against ground, sea, or even air target, provided the player is skillful and accurate enough, though this is very difficult, and couple with the missile's low speed, it is still not an effective countermeasure to already-airborne aircraft. The missile also has a very good blast radius, even larger than those of the pilot's rockets, consequently dealing damage to all targets within 5 meters around the point of impact. The TV missile, on the other hand, is extremely deadly to all types of vehicles, and it takes only 1 missile to destroy any vehicle. The cannon can make short work of infantry, light vehicles, and even aircraft to a degree if they are on the ground. The cannon has a good rate of fire, supplemented by its large magazine and unlimited reserve ammunition, however, it has a 0.5 second spin up time before it can be fired, so if the player want to keep it ready faster, they can repeatedly press the fire button to keep it spinning. The gunner has control of the 20 mm Gatling cannon and Hellfire anti-tank TV-guided missiles. The flare dispensers have a recharge time of around 8 seconds, during which the vehicle is completely defenseless against heat-seeking missiles. Flares are used to break off enemy missiles and lock-ons, buying the player some precious time to escape or destroy the target, if possible.

Microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4 full#

The rockets are effective against infantry, light vehicles, APCs, and all types of aircraft, while taking more than a full barrage to destroy a main battle tank. The rocket pods contain 8 (14 before v1.2 patch) rockets, with acceptable blast radius and damage. The pilot controls the flight of the helicopter, the LAU-68/M260 rocket pods, and the flare dispensers. The helicopter has 2 seats, one for its pilot, and the other for the gunner. It has little capability against fixed-wing aircraft.

microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4

The AH-1Z Viper's main role is to provide close air support for friendly forces, anti-armor, and denying enemy helicopters' operation. Its MEC, PLA, SEALs/ SAS, MECSF/ Spetsnaz/ Rebel, and EU counterparts are the Mi-28 Havoc, the WZ-10, the AH-64 Apache, the Mi-35 Hind, and the AS-665 Tiger, respectively. The AH-1Z in Battlefield 2 is the attack helicopter of the United States Marine Corps.

Microsoft sidewinder precision 2 joystick battlefield 4