
Call of duty black ops zombies five solo strategy
Call of duty black ops zombies five solo strategy

call of duty black ops zombies five solo strategy

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Use an effective solo strategy on the Kino Der Toten map in Black Ops Zombies, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Use an effective solo strategy on the Kino Der Toten map in Black Ops Zombies Jump again and again in the teleporter until you're in the War Room.Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. It will teleport you to the War Room, or to the room you started. After you got your weapon, jump in the teleporter near the power switch. The Commando is good enough to survive to high rounds. Let's say you got a commando from the box. When you get a AUG, Famas, or any other good weapon, take it too, but you might want to swap it later on for a better gun. When you get a great weapon, like a Commando, RPK, HK12, Ray Gun, don't hesitate to take it. Open the room where the box is in and pay 950 points until you get a nice weapon. There're some rooms where the box can be.


Now you can look through the windows in the lab. So let's turn on the power! You can find the power switch when you walk on and then it will be on your left side.

call of duty black ops zombies five solo strategy

You currently have an MP5k, some grenades, your M1911, and a knife. When you get out of the lift, you're in the laboratory. After you made it, repair some windows and then open the large elevator. A crawler ''crawls'' very slow, so you're able to do anything you want before starting the next round. You can make it by throwing a grenade and blow a zombie's legs of. Stay here for one or two rounds, and then make crawler. Left, to the next elevator, or to the right, where the Juggernog machine is. There're 2 ways you can go when cleared the debris. Opposed to the Catwalk, this is a very easy place to survive to high rounds. When you have bought your MP5k, clear the next debris and go downstairs. You can buy 120 bullets for only 500, so the ammo isn't a huge problem. Its ammo is 30/120, but you still run pretty fast out of it. It's a good weapon to kill zombies until round 10, but after that it gets useless. The MP5k, which is on your right side when you get out of the lift. The first thing you do is to buy (finally) a weapon of the wall. It's a hard place to survive, so get away as soon as you can. You're currently on the catwalk a sort of balcony around the whole room. This room consists of two parts, the ''Catwalk'' and the ''Main Floor''.

call of duty black ops zombies five solo strategy

When you get out of the lift, you're in a big room called the ''War Room''. When round 5 starts, you clear the debris in front of the elevator and go downstairs.

call of duty black ops zombies five solo strategy

Stay here until round 5, but make sure not to buy anything, so no MPL or m14. Your next move is to open the first door. You still have your M1911, some or none bullets (depends on if you get the Max Ammo or not), quick revive, and your knife. If you don't, knife them 3 times and they die. Maybe you get a Max Ammo, and then you can continue shooting & knifing. After round 2 your gun shouldn't have any ammo left. So instead of shooting them 5 times, you can shoot them 8 times and then knife. But, zombies are getting stronger every round, and are coming with more too. If you still have some ammo left, you can shoot and knife the zombies again. After you have bought it (the cost for one quick revive is 500 points), start repairing the windows. When round 2 is starting, buy a quick revive. After round one, you should have around 1000 points. With shooting 5 times and then knifing them, you get the maximum amount of points you can get out of a zombie. If you knife a zombie, you get more points than just shooting them until they die. In the first round, shoot 5 times on a zombie and then knife him. You're in the pentagon, with a M1911 with 40 bullets, a knife and 2 grenades.

Call of duty black ops zombies five solo strategy